View Requests - 35,370 found

Pothole at 4465 44th St

This street has many potholes. 44th Street In between Meade Ave & Monroe Ave. Please fix this stretch of road on 44th St asap!
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00358708

Pothole at 4833 Edgeware Rd

top layer of AC is failing, approx. 2 ft diameter
CLOSED City crews recently resolved the issue or conducted the necessary repairs as reported in your inquiry. - over 6 years ago #00366725

Pothole at 1897–1987 Commercial St

Need a/c patch before installation of continental crosswalk
CLOSED It was evaluated and determined that no action is warranted at this time. - over 6 years ago #00365765
Pothole at 1897–1987 Commercial St

Pothole at Pacific Hwy & El Camino Real & I 5

In far left lane, multiple pot holes which look like previously patched but back again
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00354190

Pothole at Miramar Rd & I 805

Potholes on the rightmost lane of the I-805N on-ramp.
REFERRED This report has been referred to Caltrans San Diego at - over 6 years ago #00368737

Pothole at Jacob Dekema Freeway

One of the middle lanes has a pothole on the I-805S
REFERRED This report has been referred to Caltrans San Diego at - over 6 years ago #00368738

Pothole at I 5 S

Multiple potholes and debris on the on ramp
REFERRED This report has been referred to Caltrans San Diego at - over 6 years ago #00368446

Pothole at San Diego Freeway & El Camino Real

Big pothole on the right half of the on ramp after the 52 and La Jolla Parkway on ramps merge
REFERRED This report has been referred to Caltrans San Diego at - over 6 years ago #00368364

Pothole at San Diego Freeway & El Camino Real, La Jolla

Big pothole getting on 5 South from Torrey pines rd
REFERRED This report has been referred to Caltrans San Diego at - over 6 years ago #00368347

Pothole at 8692 Chantilly Ave

sinking pothole by man-hole cover.
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00368291

The City of San Diego

Report potholes and graffiti from anywhere in San Diego using your mobile phone

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