View Requests - 35,370 found

Pothole at Cowles Mountain

Cowles Mountain from Navajo to Jackson will shake your teeth loose. It's been terrible for years. All the streets around it are being fixed but not this one and it is the worst!! If it's not your territory - please forward to whoever c...
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00361813

Pothole at 8850 Navajo Rd

Pothole on navajo road in front of chase bank. Pothole located in the center lane of the 3 lane road, going Westbound
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00360063

Pothole at 5595 Lindo Paseo

CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00347500
Pothole at 5595 Lindo Paseo

Pothole at 5553 Copley Dr,

The whole section of Copley Dr from 5553 to 5887 is covered in potholes. Cars are weaving through lanes and it is becoming a safety hazard. Not to mention Kaiser is located at the end of Copley Dr near 5887. Ambulances do travel this road...
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00362175

Pothole at 6746 Boulder Lake Ave

There are multiple potholes along Boulder Lake from Navajo to Cowles Mountain. The street is decaying and needs to be repaired. This has been an issue for years.
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00361703

Pothole at 5492 Fontaine St

Three potholes in center of road.
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00361190

Pothole at 5367 Fontaine St

Two large potholes in center of the road about 20 feet apart.
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00361185

Pothole at 6000 Montezuma Rd

There is a large pothole in the center of Montezuma Rd where it crosses College Ave traveling westbound. Also, the pavement is damaged at the corner turning right onto College Ave. When driving westward on Montezuma Rd., the pothole is no...
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00347062

Pothole at 4709–4991 Montezuma Rd

There have been dozens of requests made for all the potholes on eastbound Montezuma Rd be fixed. It never happens. There are dozens of potholes small and large. Please repair
CLOSED City crews recently resolved the issue or conducted the necessary repairs as reported in your inquiry. - over 6 years ago #00357429

Pothole at 5399 Mission Center Rd

There are several potholes on Mission Center Rd. This street is an embarassment to tourism and residents. You cannot drive going north without hitting a pothole. I would have to submit 7 requests to have these all repaired. Please repair...
CLOSED - over 6 years ago #00359364

The City of San Diego

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