View Requests - 541 found

Quality of life issues at 2565 Ramfos Pl

2565 Ramfos Pl San Diego 92139 /Concern about new fence being built due to blind spot of in coming vehicle when turning left on Quebec court
CLOSED Citizen did not contact us within the 24 hour window with requested information. - over 5 years ago #02629256

Quality of life issues at 2803 Mission Village Dr

CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02630729

Quality of life issues at 1359 Beryl St

The sidewalk was raised by the tree. The owner remodeled his house. Jackhammer up his driveway then jackhammered up our walkway clear up to our foundation without our permission. We told him he had to replace our walkway or we would bring...
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02630626

Quality of life issues at 4022 36th St

Strip club is a message. Can someone demand the property is maintained? This has been going on for years
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02630455
Quality of life issues at 4022 36th St

Quality of life issues at 2535 Boundary St

My neighbor (who lives in 2535 Boundary Street, San Diego CA 92104) is overwatering their fruit trees, which are located in the alley between their house and mine (2536 Montclair Street, San Diego CA 92104). As a result, fruit flies have...
CLOSED Do Not Enforce - over 5 years ago #02633695

Quality of life issues at Carmel Knolls Dr

Resident of house backed up against Carmel Knolls Dr is tying a backyard shade structure to trees out on the street that are outside their backyard. We do not want them trying to use and deface neighborhood trees for something they should...
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02629547
Quality of life issues at Carmel Knolls Dr

Quality of life issues at 3073 Anella Rd

Overgrown vegetation on city property
REFERRED This report has been referred to Fire Department at - over 5 years ago #02630168
Quality of life issues at 3073 Anella Rd

Quality of life issues at 3111 Anella Rd

Overgrown vegetation and trash on city open space easement.
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02630187
Quality of life issues at 3111 Anella Rd

Quality of life issues at 3103 Falcon St

Dead tree on easement property, could fall in street or on our business
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02631721

Quality of life issues at 4343 Manzanita Dr

Dog feices in neighboring yard that inhibits the use of my ONLY OPENING WINDOW AND SCREENED DOOR! Smell is SO awful! Makes me sick to my stomach. Flies and other bugs are rampant!
CLOSED - over 5 years ago #02631298
Quality of life issues at 4343 Manzanita Dr

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