Faded striping at 10960 10998 Scripps Ranch Blvd

CLOSED - about 6 years ago #00342456
Submitted Thu May 31, 2018

Fading lines for bike lane no symbols of biking symbol in the bike lane. Needs green paint to let people know it's a bike land. Repainting needs to be done right away.

Issue: Other Markings/Legend

SAP Notification Number: 040300035683

address: 10960 10998 Scripps Ranch Blvd

coordinates x,y: -13036813.362781236, 3884602.054469331

coordinates lat,lng: 32.919336, -117.111687

Timestamp Description
Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:05pm Closed with status:
Thu May 31, 2018 05:23am Opened
Thu May 31, 2018 05:22am Submitted via Android Android