Street Flooded at 11593 Cypress Canyon Park Dr

IN PROCESS - about 5 years ago #00149072
Submitted Thu Feb 16, 2017

There is a major storm drainage issue that occurs every time it rains. We have only one storm drain on Evergold Street to support the amount of drainage from Cypress Canyon Park Drive and Candy Rose Way. During a storm, the water backs up from this storm drain all the way up Cypress Canyon Park Drive. This causes a river effect that comes up over the sidewalk, into our yards and extends out about ten to twelve feet into the center of the street. When this happens the properties along the street are not able to drain. This causes flooding in all of our yards and along the foundations of our homes. There is also a major safety issue with the high velocity and volume of water running down the street with cars having the potential to start floating and children’s safety. After every storm we have a large amount of mud, from the river effect, that extends from the first three or four houses on Cypress Canyon Park Drive down to the storm drain on Evergold Street. It seems that there needs to be another storm drain installed at the corner of Candy Rose Way and Cypress Canyon Park Drive or some other solution to support the overflow of drainage durning a storm. Any help in investigating and resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated to before homes, yards or cars become damaged and/or an accident occurs especially with children. This has been happening for years and with the heavier storms, it’s getting much worse.

SAP Notification Number: 040300009237

address: 11593 Cypress Canyon Park Dr

coordinates x,y: -13032001.79544174, 3885918.856240541

coordinates lat,lng: 32.92926516386953, -117.0684639551836

Timestamp Description
Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:14am Status changed to
Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:02am Submitted via iPhone Iphone