Pothole at 5526 Encina Dr

REFERRED This report has been referred to appropriate department or agency at WVanTassel@sandiego.gov - about 6 years ago #00294708
Submitted Wed Feb 14, 2018

Last Wednesday several speed bumps were placed on my block. They were not done properly and do not slope into the bump. There is a jagged edge that lifts straight up from the street. This is causing unnecessary damage to our vehicles. Can you please get someone out here to fix these speed bumps. As a tax paying citizen if I'm going to be forced to have these bumps on my street, that neither me or my neighbors want, they can at least be done correctly. Thank you

address: 5526 Encina Dr

coordinates x,y: -13032960.984823097, 3855310.369279178

coordinates lat,lng: 32.6981783333333, -117.0770805

Timestamp Description
Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:43pm Closed with status: This report has been referred to appropriate department or agency at WVanTassel@sandiego.gov
Wed Feb 14, 2018 02:58pm Opened
Wed Feb 14, 2018 02:58pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone