Light On During Day at 11203 Paseo Montanoso

CLOSED - about 6 years ago #00368306
Submitted Sat Jul 21, 2018

Camino Del Norte West bound next to l15 south off ramp.

Number of lights: Single

SAP Notification Number: 040300055013

address: 11203 Paseo Montanoso

coordinates x,y: -13033817.339051764, 3895098.2710658177

coordinates lat,lng: 32.99845031974753, -117.0847732609223

Timestamp Description
Wed Jul 25, 2018 09:08pm Closed with status:
Sat Jul 21, 2018 03:51pm Opened
Sat Jul 21, 2018 03:51pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone