Illegal Dumping at 4495 Euclid Ave

CLOSED Your report was evaluated and no violation was found - over 3 years ago #03160670
Submitted Wed Dec 02, 2020

Mucha basura de construcción madera metal cartón abandonada por el callejón de la Euclid Ave y 48TH St entre Cajón Bl y Monroe Ave está más a la Monroe Ave

Specify the Issue: Bulky Items

Located in the public right-of-way? true

Specific location of the incident: Mucha basura de Construcción madera cartón metal abandonada por el callejón de Euclid Ave y 48TH St entre el Cajón Bl y Monroe Ave está más cerca a Monroe Ave

address: 4495 Euclid Ave

coordinates x,y: -13034593.46894616, 3863303.4886947484

coordinates lat,lng: 32.7585824529142, -117.0917453543883

Timestamp Description
Wed Dec 02, 2020 04:05pm Status changed to Your report was evaluated and no violation was found
Wed Dec 02, 2020 01:03am Status changed to
Wed Dec 02, 2020 01:03am Submitted via iPhone Iphone